Ultimate Guide For Oily Skin: Everything You Need To Know

Oily skin can be a struggle. There is no greater (beauty) letdown than starting the day with a fresh complexion that veers into oil slick territory by midday. Luckily, there are a few skin care tips and tricks to keep your oily skin under control and your complexion fresh all day. Here is our comprehensive guide to caring for an oily complexion, including a curated skin care routine for oily skin. 

The Causes Of Oily Skin

From the climate to your genetics, there is a wide range of factors to blame if you’re wondering why you have oily skin. 

Oily Skin Is Hereditary 

Oily skin is linked to a hereditary disposition to overproduce the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which triggers an excess of sebum production in the skin. We need sebum  the oily, waxy substance that lubricates the skin — to keep our moisture barrier intact, but overproduction can become problematic. Excess oil enlarges pores (as they stretch to contain the amount of oil generated) and when trapped, oil can combine with dead skin cells and bacteria on the skin’s surface to cause breakouts. To address this, regular cleansing and gentle exfoliation are key steps to prevent pore congestion and manage large pores. These actions help remove excess sebum and clear out trapped impurities, allowing pores to shrink back to their normal size. Clay and charcoal masks are also effective, offering a gentle astringent action that tightens and minimizes pore openings while controlling oil production.

The Climate

Another common trigger is the hot summer months. Heat and humidity may lead to an increase in oil production. You might overcorrect and try to stamp out oily skin by cleansing four times a day or exfoliating too frequently. But these methods strip your skin of its natural oils and interfere with its barrier function. 

Hormonal Fluctuations: Excess Sebum Production 

You’re not imagining it even after puberty comes and goes, hormones can still mess with your skin. During pregnancy, menopause or during our period, hormonal fluctuations can encourage excess grease and breakouts. According to Foreo.com: “Androgens are the hormones mostly responsible for oil production, and sometimes they can fluctuate, stimulating an increase in sebum production. This often happens during puberty, just before menstruation, during pregnancy and during menopause.”

Harsh Skin Care Products

Sometimes oily skin can be triggered by using the wrong skin care products. When choosing products for oily skin, Dr Hooman Khorasani, Dermatologic and Cosmetic Surgeon suggests you look for ones that are in gel or lotion formulations. “Choosing moisturizers can be a challenge for oily skin, as well,” Dr Khorasani explains. “Choosing light moisturizers or matte moisturizers can be a solution. Oil-absorbing sheets are always good to have on hand throughout the day, as well.”

Benefits Of Oily Skin That Might Surprise You

While oily skin may seem hard to take care of at first, you may be surprised to learn there are benefits to having oily skin.

More Resistance To The Appearance Of Wrinkles

Thanks to antioxidants produced by over-enthusiastic sebaceous glands, oily skin types will suffer from fewer wrinkles and fine lines compared to dry skin types. You won’t avoid dodging wrinkles altogether, but your lines and creases may not appear as early as they do for other skin types. Talk about being lucky.  

A Stronger Skin Defense System

With oily skin, you produce more sebum, part of our skin’s defense system against threats like infection or the environment. Sebum consists of vitamin E, an antioxidant that acts as a defense mechanism for the surface of your skin. 

Makeup Sits Well On Oily Skin 

When it comes to makeup, application on dry skin can be flaky and temperamental. Makeup on oily skin though, is much more agreeable. While you may have to use a lot of setting spray so your makeup doesn’t slide off, it’s easier to reapply a layer on oily skin than struggle with patchy makeup on dry skin (although this depends on who you ask!). 

oily skin

Skin Type Test: How To Tell If You Have Oily Skin

There are a few giveaways that you have oily skin. It often displays the following characteristics:

  • Shiny looking
  • Greasy to the touch
  • Orange peel-like texture with visible, enlarged pores
  • Skin is breakout-prone
  • Makeup feels like it slides off as soon as it is applied

Still unsure whether you have an oily complexion? Try this three-step test to reveal your skin type:

1. Cleanse & Wait

Wash your face with your favorite Eminence Organics cleanser and do not apply additional products for at least an hour.

2. Blot

Take a clean piece of tissue and gently dab your T-zone to check for residue oil. 

3. Examine Your Skin

If your skin feels comfortable (not tight), but there is residue on the tissue, your skin is likely oily. 

How To Treat Oily Skin

Oily skin may be genetic, but oil production can also be influenced by hormones, stress, the environment and seasonal changes. Here are a few tips to keep oily skin in check.

1. Skip Harsh, Drying Skin Ingredients

Many of the products that claim to fix oily skin can actually make it worse. Most contain harsh ingredients that strip the skin’s moisture barrier. While they may make your skin feel less oily, they often trigger even more oil production to compensate for a dried-out complexion. Salicylic acid and clay are two of the best ingredients to treat acne-prone skin and prevent future breakouts. Salicylic acid is a beta hydroxy acid that penetrates deep into pores to clear blockages and neutralize acne-causing bacteria. Clay works like a magnet, using its negatively charged particles to pull positively charged impurities from pores and the skin’s surface. To ensure you’re using ingredients like these effectively, it’s crucial to choose a cleanser that won’t strip your skin of its natural oils, while still targeting excess oil and impurities.

When choosing a cleanser, Real Simple advises following this rule of thumb: “You should avoid cleansers that contain harsh surfactants, which rid skin of too much oil and leave it so dry that it feels taut—and might just squeak if you dragged a finger across it. Some common surfactants include sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), sodium lauryl ether sulfate (SLES), and ammonium lauryl sulfate (ALS).” Instead, choose natural and organic products that are formulated without harmful additives that strip your skin of necessary moisture.

2. Adjust Your Diet

Avoid alcohol and spicy foods which raise your heat index. These dilate blood vessels and cause you to perspire, adding sweat to your already slick complexion. Instead, stock up on foods like carrots, grapefruit and kale which are high in vitamin Aand help slow oil production. Don’t be afraid of oily foods. In fact, foods like salmon, tuna, walnuts and pumpkin seeds, which are rich in omega-3 fats, regulate the hormone that controls oil production and help keep your skin balanced.

3. Keep Your Skin Care Cool

Eminence Organics President Boldijarre Koronczay recommends keeping masks and moisturizers in the fridge to keep your complexion cool and oil-free. He says: “Applying products directly from the refrigerator will keep your skin temperature lower, thereby reducing excess oil production.”

4. Embrace Minimalism

If you have oily skin, it may be time to rethink your makeup routine. Primers and liquid foundations often contain silicones, which clog and enlarge pores, exacerbating oily skin woes. We suggest swapping your silicone primer for a natural alternative.

5. Consider Professional Spa Treatments

For those suffering from moderate to severe acne, professional spa treatments can be extremely beneficial. Acne facials are deeply cleansing. They employ professional-level peels with a high concentration of active ingredients to clear buildup as well as extractions by a licensed esthetician to clear blackheads and whiteheads.

Do you struggle with oily skin? Check out this step-by-step skin care routine designed for your skin type. We’d love to hear your tips and tricks for keeping it under control. Share your thoughts with us in the comments below, and join the conversation on social media. 

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